Health and Wellbeing

Manchester Mind – One small step that leads to others

“Today, we worked with someone to access their GP by helping them with their GP’s online appointment booking system. This was causing them anxiety and we see part of our role at Manchester Mind as enabling communication and relationships that can put people in control of their own health.” Martin, Manchester Mind

Independent Choices Greater Manchester - New free helpline number!

Independent Choices Greater Manchester are helping to break down barriers by changing their helpline to a freephone telephone number to increase accessibility. Although they are still keeping their old helpline number too, it is hoped that the new number will allow more people to be able to access the support they need.

Widows Empowerment Trust - befriending to break through barriers

The Widows Empowerment Trust befriending service continues to break barriers. One of the beneficiaries, Christine, has been isolated for seven years since becoming a widow. She stopped socialising and became very alone. Since being in touch with Widows Empowerment Trust, she loves the fact that she can talk to someone who can truly understand her pain, her grieving, and her isolation. Christine wants to integrate back into society but needs gentle guidance and help in doing so.

One Manchester Social Recovery Fund

one manchesterOne Manchester are currently inviting applications to their Social Recovery Fund and are looking to offer grants of between £2,000 and £10,000 (from a total fund of £50,000) to rebuild and grow new connections in our communities.

One Manchester want to hear from organisations that help isolated people in our communities to make friends and socialise in their community, to get them the help they need, when they need it.

Award-winning music and dementia charity Playlist for Life is bringing the power of personal playlists to Manchester

playlost for lifeMusic and dementia charity Playlist for Life is inviting community groups and organisations across the UK to join their free Help Point network to share the power of personal music for people living with dementia, their families and carers.  

New Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector Accord signed with Greater Manchester Leaders

gm vcse leadedership groupGreater Manchester leaders in local government, health and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector (VCSE) have signed a new GM VCSE Accord to work together in a collaborative way to tackle entrenched inequalities.

Online Visual Impairment Awareness Training - Now we need to know even more

“We have just brought in a new online Visual Impairment Awareness Training module to sit alongside our face to face and virtually delivered sessions. We decided to pursue an online platform as we found that some organisations were finding it hard to either get people together at one time in a room or to get everyone to log on for a virtual session at the same time, but still wanted to access the training which they can now do so on an individual basis. Anyone can access it and the feedback we have had so far has been great”. Josh, Henshaws

Gorton Stroke Café – ‘The experience is amazing and unique’

“I struggled with understanding how my life had changed to become a carer for my husband after his stroke but even though this is only my first session today, it has been good to meet other people and for them to reassure me that there is light at the end of the tunnel”.