BME women’s social enterprise learning group

Routes to Solidarity will shortly be running a small project on BME women and social enterprise. Routes to Solidarity will bring together a small number of BME women who are developing social enterprises and would like to get support in this work.

The idea is to host regular (maybe monthly) group sessions, each one focusing on a specific aspect of developing a social enterprise (e.g. market research, legal issues etc).

At these sessions women will have the chance to share and gain knowledge, learning from each other and relevant experts. They will also work practically on their social enterprise idea. Routes to Solidarity would agree the number of sessions at the beginning, probably around 4 – 6 in total.

The overall aim of the sessions is to enable BME women to decide whether their social enterprise idea could work; to feel more knowledgeable and confident about carrying it out, and to have taken some practical steps towards making it real.

Would you like to join this group? Routes to Solidarity are looking for BME women and their groups who:
• have an idea for a social enterprise
• have already started thinking about this idea
• can commit to taking part all the meetings (rather than dipping in and out)

An exploratory meeting is being held on Tuesday 5 March, in central Manchester, 10 – 12.30, lunch will be provided afterwards. Childcare and travel expenses can be reimbursed, in some circumstances.

To register your interest in attending the event complete and email the attached form to: [email protected].

For further information, contact Kirit Patel, on 0161 860 2815, or email: Kirit [email protected]