Are you involved in the delivery of services to victims of crime?
Do you support prisoners, prison leavers, people on probation?
Are the families of victims or perpetrators a group you support?
Do you support those in or on the edge of the criminal justice system?
If you answered YES to any of these questions then you should join the brand new Greater Manchester Victims and Justice Group, part of the GM VCFSE Leadership Group.
The Greater Manchester Victims and Justice Group has been set up by the Chief Executives’ of We Are Survivors (supporting boys and men affected by sexual harms) and The Pankhurst Trust/MWA (supporting Women and Girls to be free from abuse) with the aim ensuring the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector is appropriately and fairly represented within the structures related to victims, witnesses and offenders.
We believe that representation is key to system change within the judicial sphere and the VCFSE is key to shaping and supporting the criminal justice systems’ work on victims, witnesses and offenders. We aim to identify opportunities for VCFSE organisations to grow; to find ways of working together; to share information and intelligence; to increase individual and systems provision; to teach and learn from the system; to secure new funding and influence wider commissioning; and to create a greater system in Greater Manchester.
This workstream will be focused on action; focused on creating opportunities and focused on ensuring that we do everything within our collective power to make the system better for victims, for their families, and for anyone who comes into contact with the system.
For more information and to join see the attached document.