Have your say on proposals to change Sure Start services for under-fives

Manchester City Council are carrying out a 30 day consultation of Sure Start services for under-fives.

Manchester City Council are improving services for the city’s young children and their families and are giving children a better start, reducing inequalities, and supporting those in greatest need. As part of these improvements they want your views on proposals to change the way Sure Start children’s centres are run, whether you use the centres or not.

Sure Start centres help:
• children develop and be ready for school
• adults learn parenting and other skills
• families access better health and better chances in life.

Sure Start centres are open to all families, wherever they live and whatever their income.

How things work now
There are 39 Sure Start centres across the city.

The centres offer a range of different services but they all manage themselves separately and independently from each other and from local facilities like health centres, libraries and schools.

Some centres are under used in comparison to others and some centres operate from premises which we no longer consider to be suitable.

What are the proposals?

There are 5 proposals:
1. Manchester City Council propose organising Sure Start centres into 14 groups across the city
2. Manchester City Council propose 6 of the 14 groups are managed by non-profit and/or voluntary organisations
3. Manchester City Council propose closing St Peter’s Sure Start centre in Manchester town hall
4. Manchester City Council propose moving the Sure Start centre at Chorlton Library to the Nell Lane Children’s Centre
5. Manchester City Council propose moving the Sure Start centre at Fulmead in Cheetham to the Cheetham Park Children’s Centre also in Cheetham

All the proposals are based on detailed research into who uses the centres, and what services they offer now.

Manchester City Council anticipate the overall result will be better targeted services within easy reach, and improved multi-agency working t to help families and children.

The results will be available on the Manchester City Council website in July.

To complete the questionnaire online, visit: www.manchester.gov.uk/surestartchanges

For further information, contact Yvette Ryle, on 0161 234 4088.

Deadline: Sunday 22 June 2014