Help shape the development of The University of Manchester’s engagement with its local communities

Recognising the inter-dependent and mutually-beneficial relationship between the University and its neighbouring communities, The University of Manchester is currently developing a new strategic framework for community engagement to better focus, target and measure its activities.

These activities range from research partnerships, teaching programmes, culture and the arts, student volunteering, schools-liaison, sustainability, employment and skills support through to engagement with charities, businesses and the public sector.

The University is also embarking on a major capital programme over the next decade with three key construction partners, chiefly on its Oxford Road campus, and this will provide new opportunities for engagement. As part of this, they would like to invite local partners and stakeholders to help contribute to their work.

There are two engagement events being run on:
Monday 14 March 2016, 12:30pm-2pm at University Place (Room 3.204), Oxford Road Manchester M13 9QQ
Book your place here:

Tuesday 22 March 2016, 5.30-7pm at Roscoe Building (Room 1.009) - Manchester, M13 9PY
Book your place here:

Food and refreshments will be provided at the events.

If you cannot come along and would like to feed into this work, you can return comments to: [email protected] before 1 April 2016. The University are interested in your views on:
• What do you think are the most valuable activities or outcomes that the University delivers for its most local communities?
• What can the University do more of, or differently, to enhance its contribution to its most local communities?

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