Lloyd’s Bank Foundation Local collaborations programme

This programme will support collaborations led by small charities seeking to influence and achieve local or regional change around improving the social security system, improving access to a blue bag with a yellow ribbon around the top and white pound sign on the frontsuitable accommodation, and support for asylum seekers and refugees. Collaborations can apply for grants of £100,000 over two years.

This programme is aimed at supporting impactful collaborations that are led by small and local charities that have the specialist knowledge, compassion for people, and the drive to push for long lasting change.

Lloyd’s Bank Foundation are awarding flexible grants of £100,000 over two years. Collaborations will have the opportunity to extend by a further year and additional £50,000.

This funding cannot be used to fund direct delivery of services and is exclusively to support partnerships to influence locally and regionally.

Your influencing work will align with at least one of the following themes:

  • Making the social security system work better for those facing the greatest challenges
  • Making sure people facing complex issues have access to suitable accommodation
  • Improving support and services for asylum seekers and refugees

This programme is only for new and existing collaborations:

  • Established collaborations that will have partnership arrangements in place. This will be set out in your partnership agreement if you have one.
  • New collaborations where partners have recently come together around a local issue. You would not need to have a partnership agreement at the time of applying however this would need to be in place before any grant payment can be released. Support can be provided to develop a partnership agreement if required.

You can apply for grants of £100,000 grants over two years (£50,000 each year) with the opportunity to extend by a further year and additional £50,000.

You can apply for all costs relating to the proposed influencing work and to support collaborative working such as: staff costs, activity and materials costs and core costs where they are overheads clearly related to the proposed project (e.g. CEO/senior management time, premises, management, finance and administration costs etc.).

Apply here

Deadline: 22 September 2023, 5pm

Lloyd’s Bank Foundation are hosting a webinar on 13 July, 10.30am-12.15pm to discuss the criteria for this programme, who it’s for, and what they are looking for in applications. Register here