Manchester City Council's Public Health Team are reviewing the mainstream School Nursing Service

Manchester City Council's Public Health Team are currently reviewing the mainstream School Nursing Service, which delivers school nursing provision to mainstream Primary and Secondary Schools, Academies, Free Schools, Pupil Referral Units and the Federation Schools.

They want to understand the experiences and expectations of the service from a wide range of interested parties and to assess how the service is currently meeting the needs of Manchester children, young people and their families.

They would like the views of:
• Young people (aged 11-18 years)
• Parents/Carers
• School Nursing Staff
• Head teachers and school representatives
• Other organisations providing services to children, young people and their families

Manchester City Council's Public Health Team would like as many people to be involved in this review as possible, whether or not you have used the service, or had contact with the service previously, your opinions will be valued.

Your views and comments will help to inform the design of the service; how it operates; how the nurses communicate with schools, children and young people, parents and the wider community; and how it can best work to meet the needs of Manchester children and young people and contribute to improving their health and wellbeing.

To complete the school nursing survey, visit: by 18 July 2014. All information will be anonymised and kept confidential.

For further information, email Amy Ashton, at: [email protected], or Barry Gillespie, at: [email protected].