The Manchester Partnership Board – VCSE representative

The Manchester Partnership Board are looking to recruit a VCSE representative to sit on their board.

vcse representativeThe Board is looking for someone

  • From a Manchester based VCSE organisation
  • Who has good knowledge of Manchester’s strategy for improving health and care in the city and the integrated approach
  • Experienced in a leadership position and who can demonstrate support from across the VCSE sector

The representative role will link into and out from the Manchester Health and Wellbeing VCSE Leadership Group and Macc. The expectation is to inform and consult with sector colleagues and sometimes provide updates and speak at events. The appointment is initially for 12 months and backfill costs are available.  This is a voluntary role to sit alongside your current role.

If you are interested in this role return the completed Expression of Interest form to [email protected] by 11 November 2022, 12pm.

For more information email Anna Tate at: [email protected]