Manchester Safeguarding Children’s Board (MSCB) wants to know your views on how children and young people can keep safe in Manchester:
What does being safe mean to you?
What makes young people feel unsafe or worried?
What are the most important things that Manchester Safeguarding Children Board should work on to help children and young people be safer?
To help MSCB decide what the Board should concentrate on during 2017-18 they would like as many people as possible to complete the very short questionnaire in the link below.
The Board welcomes views from:
• Individuals (children, young people, family members, and people who work with them either in agencies or as volunteers)
• User groups and forums who have an interest in work with children, young people and their families
• Agencies, organisations and services aimed at children, young people and their families.
MSCB welcomes responses from individuals or you may want to provide a joint response on behalf of your agency or user group. Either way, your response will be treated in confidence and will greatly help in making sure that we concentrate on the right things to keep children and young people safe.
Complete the Being Safe Survey 2017 here:
Every child and young person in Manchester should be able to grow up safe; free from abuse, neglect or crime and enjoy a happy and healthy childhood.
For further information, visit:, or contact 0161 234 3330, or email: [email protected]