Manchester Safeguarding Children’s Board Policy and Procedures update

Core Safeguarding Procedures
The Manchester Safeguarding Children’s Board (MSCB) and Executive have taken the decision to adopt the Greater Manchester Safeguarding Partnership (GMSP) online safeguarding procedures; these will replace the MSCB Core Safeguarding Procedures which were last updated in 2010.

The GMSP Online Safeguarding Procedures are administered by a company called Tri.X and are updated twice a year in consultation with the Greater Manchester Policy and Procedures subgroup. Any feedback on the procedures should be submitted Jane Maguire 0161 234 [email protected]

The procedures can be viewed here:  

GMSP Procedures May 2014 update
The GMSP Procedures were updated at the end of May and can be viewed here:  

New and updated MSCB policies
Safeguarding Online Minimum Standards version 3 - updated January 2014 , can be viewed here:  

A new Supervision Policy can be viewed here:  

A slightly amended Neglect Strategy can be viewed here: