Manchester Youth Council Update

The Manchester Youth Council is a group of young people who are passionate about giving a voice to the youth of Manchester, raising awareness of issues for young people and having our say about the decisions that affect people’s lives.

How Does it Work?
The membership model offers young people more ways to get involved in the activities of Manchester Youth Council (MYC).

MYC Members
School/College councils, youth groups and special interest groups can join the MYC network as member organisations. Any young people from these organisations (aged 11-18) involved in representing the views of other young people, will automatically become MYC members and have access to information, campaign materials, training, awards and volunteering opportunities.

Young People can also apply to be Solo Members but must demonstrate who they will represent or how they will feed work back into the community, to be elected into The Hive.

The Hive
For those young people who want to be more involved in the running of the youth council, they can be elected into The Hive. The Hive are responsible for communicating with all parts of the wider youth council

19+ Leaders
Any young people 19-25 who have served within the youth council or are interested in developing their social action or politics work are invited to join the Leaders groups, who will act as mentors, design training sessions and assist in the smooth running of the MYC programme.

MYC Members
As part of the youth council, members will be connected in to a network of enthusiastic young people who share their desire to make real change within their communities on the issues that affect them and to represent the voice of young people.

They’ll have the opportunity to link with other young people, via online tools, to develop campaigns, share their successful work or to suggest new ideas for how to make the city a better place to grow up.

MYC will also bring representatives together 3 times a year at a large sitting in the council chambers. Here, members will have the opportunity to challenge decision makers, debate issues, access development workshops and have a say on how the youth council is run.

Members will also have the opportunity to:
• Take part in Citywide and area consultations or campaigns
• Attend training sessions or access training resources and support
• Receive and share information via web and social media platforms
• Nominate members to join The Hive and participate in elections for the regional youth council forums and National Youth Parliament
• Promote Opportunities for Young People
• Receive awards and celebrate your achievements and the positive contribution young people make to the city

For further information and to get involved, email: [email protected]
