The consultation ‘Stronger Code: Better Care’ is asking for your thoughts on a new draft Code which includes:
• 5 new guiding principles
• significantly updated chapter on how to support children and young people, on the use of restraint and seclusion and the use of police powers and places of safety
• new chapters on care planning, equality and human rights, links to the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, and support for victims
The Code protects patients’ rights, informs health practitioners’ decisions and ensures that the Mental Health Act is followed. The Code guides people who are detained or treated under the Act, their families and carers about care and support available during a crisis, and what to do if it isn’t received.
The Code has sometimes been inconsistently applied, misunderstood or ignored. A revised Code will help provide better patient protection and reflects legal changes and healthcare developments since its last revision in 2008.
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