This consultation is being led by Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust (MMHSCT) and is supported by the North, Central and South Clinical Commissioning Groups.
Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust (the Trust) provides specialist, community mental health, prison and public health wellbeing services as well as support services for people living within the City of Manchester. The Trust receives most of its money (about 67% of its total income) to provide these services from the North, Central and South Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups (Manchester CCGs).
One of the Trust’s responsibilities is to ensure that it saves money every year and only spends the money that it has available to spend. In previous years, the Trust has made these savings by doing things differently so that they cost less including reducing its back office functions.
However, it has not been possible to make all the required savings this year and it is simply not possible for the Trust to continue to do everything that it currently does with the money that it has available without affecting the quality of services.
The Trust do not want to provide services to a lower standard, so the Trust is left with no option other than to consider the stopping of some of the services that it provides. The total savings the Trust has to make in 2015/16 is nearly £7million.
To date the Trust has identified savings of £4million by further reducing the number of people who work in corporate departments, reducing the number of manager posts and the amount spent on estate.
The services that the Trust is planning to stop include:
• Benchmark
• The Chronic Fatigue Programme
• Creative Wellbeing – Start and Studio 1
• Green Wellbeing
• Individual Placement and Support Service (Employment Services working within
Community Mental Health Teams)
• Psychosexual Service
• Specialist Affective Disorder Service.
There are two other services that contribute to the savings which are Perinatal Liaison Role and Station Road – Community Rehabilitation. By stopping all of these services, the Trust will be able to save £1.5million towards the total savings of nearly £7million. From this saving, £200k (two hundred thousand pounds) can be re-invested. Alternatively, this money could be used to fund one or more of the services that the Trust is planning to stop.
This consultation document gives information about these services and why these services have been identified. It also asks for your views about the plans and for your ideas for how the Trust should spend the re-investment monies.
To view the consultation, visit:
How to have your say
The Trust would like to know your views and are asking people who use the services, carers, local people, staff, community and voluntary sector organisations and others who have an interest in these services.
Email your comments to: [email protected]
By post: Freepost MMHSCT – you do not need a stamp
Complete the form online:
Deadline for comments: Sunday 21 February 2016
To request printed copies of the consultation, contact 0161 882 1074 and leave a message or write to ‘Freepost MMHSCT’.
For further information, visit: