The development of these workshops follows a recent piece of research that was commissioned by the Manchester Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) to ‘take a transparent look’ at workplace health in public sector organisations across the city. The research found that whilst there are pockets of good practice, there are some significant gaps, particularly in relation to disability where more needs to be done to support employees to participate in, remain in, and thrive through work.
As a result of the report the HWB made a commitment to a number of broad initiatives. One of these focused specifically on disability and included the recommendation that all managers be trained in recruiting and supporting disabled staff. This workshop has therefore been developed to support managers to develop the skills and confidence to, in turn, support disabled staff to thrive at work.
There are four organisations taking part in the pilot – Manchester Health and Care Commissioning (who are funding the pilot), Manchester University Foundation Trust, Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust and Manchester City Council. Five cohorts of the pilot will be taking place and in each cohort there are 12 places. Each of the above organisations have been offered 12 funded places, an additional offer of 12 places has been made to GM VCSE organisations. The pilot consists of a one day workshop which is followed a few weeks later by a coaching session that is either over the phone or via instant messaging and then there is a final half day workshop following this.
To find out more about the the workshops including content, dates and times, please click here.
If you have any further questions, please contact Liz Kundi via [email protected]
Places will be offered upon a 'first come, first served' basis. In the interest of fairness to all, please only book one delegate place per organisation.
To book places on the course please contact [email protected]. Please note, when booking a place The only requirement for booking is that you MUST be able to commit to all the dates for the group you book onto.