A group of older people across Greater Manchester have drafted up key messages to present to Mayoral Candidates. Today they’ve released two films documenting their questions, requests and ideas which focus on the big issues including health, transport, homes and democracy.
The short films made by and featuring members of the Greater Manchester Older Peoples Network talk about their views and hopes for an age friendly Greater Manchester. The scale of the task to unite the 10 districts of Greater Manchester was highlighted as a concern.
Marie Douglas from Rochdale said: “Greater Manchester is a large area, how do you make that inclusive for everybody, they have to have the feeling of belonging to Greater Manchester which not really promoted”.
Others felt that this could be tackled if there was a commitment to involve communities. Pam Coleman from Manchester appealed to the candidates: “Please work at the grassroots, because I think you need people in the local community and I would suggest you (the mayor) start there”.
A mayoral hustings organised by the group will discuss the key messages and ideas with the main Greater Manchester Mayoral Candidates. For details about the Older Peoples Mayoral Hustings Event and the Greater Manchester Older Peoples Network contact Allison Foreman at Macc on 0161 834 9823.
Key messages about what older people want from a devolved Greater Manchester
Greater Manchester Devolution and the views of older people