Opportunities for patient and public involvement in redesigning health services in Greater Manchester

The NHS Transformation Unit is currently supporting various pieces of work in Greater Manchester (GM) to improve services for patients across GM. The attached bulletin contains information on opportunities for involvement for patients, carers and interested members of the public on project which are currently underway. Transformation Unit

Seeking the views of patients, carers and members of the public in general in the development and redesign of services is an important element of transformation.

In the attached bulletin you will find three opportunities for involvement which may be of interest to you, your friends or networks, these are: Redesigning Breast Services in Greater Manchester; Request for patient representatives to support the Greater Manchester Enhanced Recovery After Surgery+ (ERAS+) Project; and a Request for patient representatives to support the Greater Manchester Enhanced Recovery After Surgery+ (ERAS+) Project (Reader’s Panel).

The NHS Transformation Unit is supporting the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership work around the Standardising of acute and specialist care (Theme 3). The NHS Transformation Unit (TU) specialises in creating large scale transformation in health and care, designing innovative solutions to bring about lasting positive change. Wholly owned by the NHS with an independent board, the TU delivers clinically led transformation to bring about improved patient outcomes and raised standards.

For further information about any of the opportunities listed in the bulletin, contact Usman Nawaz (Engagement Consultant, NHS Transformation Unit) on 0161 967 0300, or email: [email protected]