The Proud Trust Spirit Story - A café which is open to everyone on the public’s own terms

The work of the Proud Trust is life saving and life enhancing for young LGBT people. Some of whom are out and others who will come out soon as well as those who will never want to come out. They have run a community café for the last 3½ years on Sidney Street in Manchester. It is open to everyone, supports young LGBT people, and is an example of the clear inclusiveness of the organisation and helps to demystify common perceptions. The café serves both vegetarian and vegan food as well as offering outside catering services.
There is a social benefit to the café as people don’t have to feel alone and isolated. The café just about breaks even and is helped with grant aid but every penny helps to keep things going. At 12.30pm on Monday 19th September, there were 25 people in the cafe, two volunteers helping to make the food and serve, and one member of staff. One of the volunteers in the café is 18 years old and has learnt to cook and use a till. They feel that this will help them to find a job when they go to university but will also help them cook good meals on a budget.

“I’m bisexual but attending the youth group has taught me a lot about the LGBT community, especially what it means to be trans. I found the different pronoun use hard at first but its been a good learning experience. Since coming to the group I’ve found it easier to deal with people in society generally. It’s great to have somewhere to come and be myself. Everyone gets on with each other.” Visitor to the youth group, another service from The Proud Trust