As part of Standguide’s Greater Manchester Social Value offer and commitment they are offering, free of charge, the following services to community and voluntary organisations:
- The use of their Manchester premises for you to recruit learners/advertise your service/engage with their learners/provide a talk about your organisation
- The opportunity to advertise your services on their Online Resource Centre (accessed by thousands of learners each year)
- The uptake of free e-learning modules for your staff e.g. Supporting Mental Health, Supporting Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Solution-Focused Coaching Strategies, Conflict Resolution and Personal Safety, Safeguarding, Prevent/Anti-Radicalisation, Equality and Diversity or Management and Team Leadership Skills
- Any face to face / group training needs they can help with
For more information, visit:, or contact 0161 881 4826 (option 4), or email: [email protected] / [email protected]