Statement on the recent community violence from Trauma Responsive Greater Manchester

"It is of concern what we are seeing and hearing on the news, in our streets and within our communities. It is important that we come together in a time of great stress and anxiety and support each other. Such trauma affects people differently, and at different times, and often in many months after. It can also re-trigger trauma from our past.
We need to be here for each other, for anyone supporting professionals or families in the days, weeks and months ahead, please make sure you look at the resources provided by the UK Trauma Council and the trauma guides we wrote after the Manchester Arena attack.

The Trauma Responsive GM team would like to encourage everyone to work together and share resources during these challenging times. There is lots of national learning about how to offer support to children, families and professionals after these community traumas.

Below are links to useful resources that Pennine Care have put out from the GM Resilience Hub. The Hub also has lots of other resources on their website here  and is able to support any GM health, social care staff or voluntary sector staff affected by the tragic incidents in Southport and recent community tensions and riots:

Please connect and share.

Looking after your child following a trauma (parents & carers)

A guide to understanding and managing trauma (CYP)

A guide to managing anxiety in uncertain times (CYP)

Taking care of yourself in difficult times (adults)

Short video – advice for coping with a traumatic event

After the Event – resources to support children and young people recover after potentially traumatic events"