Voluntary sector views wanted on safeguarding systems

Some of you will know that Manchester has put itself forward to undertake a peer review of safeguarding services, which will be done in February 2013 (see attached for further information).

The fundamental aim of a peer review is to help councils and their partners reflect on and improve safeguarding services for children and young people. It is important to remember that a review is not an inspection and should not be conducted like one by either the peer team or the host council. Rather, it is a supportive but challenging process to assist councils and their partners in recognising their strengths and identify their own areas for improvement. The key purpose of the review is to stimulate local discussion about how the council and its partners can improve safeguarding outcomes for children and young people.

The review is an interactive exercise. During the review the peer team will examine evidence from a number of sources. These will include:
• performance data (core)
• a variety of documentation (core)
• an online questionnaire undertaken by frontline staff (core)
• a case mapping exercise conducted by the host council/partners (core)
• an audit validation exercise (optional)
• case records review (optional)
• a wide range of interviews conducted with elected members and staff from the council, partners, commissioned services etc exploring standard themes (core) and other key lines of enquiry chosen by the council/partners

The voluntary sector has a large part to play in the safeguarding landscape in Manchester and the experience you have of the safeguarding process needs to feed in to this review.

There is a short survey that takes about 10 minutes to complete that will ensure that your experiences form part of the review. There will be future opportunities to feed into the review but could you please take 10 minutes to complete this.

To complete the survey, visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RPSLSML

If you have any questions, email Nicola Shanahan, at: [email protected]