Work Experience Manchester Enterprise Academy

Positive StepsPositive Steps is a non-profit charity offering a variety of services throughout Greater Manchester - from careers advice, youth justice, smoking cessation, family intervention, work experience and more.

Given the boost to apprenticeship and traineeship schemes in recent years, schools and colleges are looking to develop their learners’ readiness for the world of work. Additionally, with the establishment of the Gatsby Benchmark standards - a new Government careers strategy that hopes to develop pupil-employer relationships through a series of interactions with businesses from Year 7 to Year 11 - work experience is being promoted as key to preparing to leave the school environment.

Positive Steps are currently recruiting employers to participate in work experience schemes throughout 2019 academic year. From general Year 10 cohorts to vocational college groups, there’s a real mix of programmes going ahead. 

If work experience is something you would like to have more information about, or if you would like to get involved with any of the schemes, contact 0161 621 9464

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