Take 10 launches on World Mental Health Day to inspire Manchester residents to read for ten minutes every day and feel good.
A new initiative launches in Manchester on World Mental Health Day, Wednesday 10 October (10/10), to inspire the city to embrace the mood-boosting benefits of reading for 10 minutes every day.
Part of the council's Read Manchester campaign in partnership with the National Literacy Trust, Take 10 encourages residents of all ages to start a daily reading habit. It celebrates the positive effects of reading for pleasure, including the power of reading to help you relax and escape from the pressures of everyday life.
Recent research from the National Literacy Trust found that children who enjoy reading are three times more likely to have good mental well-being than children who don’t. Among adults, research has found that regular readers for pleasure are less likely to experience feelings of stress and depression than non-readers.
Schools, children’s centres, businesses and other local organisations are encouraged to support the initiative and encourage reading for 10 minutes every day.
Councillor Luthfur Rahman, Executive Member for Schools, Culture and Leisure, said: "With reports of rising numbers of children and young people experiencing poor mental health, our Take 10 campaign has never been more timely.
"Research shows that reading just for ten minutes a day can make a real difference to our mood and how we feel, helping us relax and escape from everyday pressures. We're therefore encouraging all young people in the city - along with everyone else - to 'take 10' on World Mental Health Day, and get the reading habit to help improve their longer term mental health."
National Literacy Trust Director Jonathan Douglas said: “We are delighted to launch the exciting Take 10 initiative in Manchester to celebrate the huge benefits that regular reading can bring to both children and adults. We know that reading for just 10 minutes a day is enough to have impact on a child’s learning. Now, our new report highlights how the benefits of reading go beyond attainment, helping children to feel happier and more satisfied with their lives.”
Find out more about the campaign at: https://literacytrust.org.uk/communities/manchester/