Youth and Play Small Grant 2015/16

As a result of the recent consultation and budget set by Manchester City Council on 6 March 2015, the Local Authority Youth and Play Funds will remain at £1.588m in 2015/16. The purpose of the Youth and Play Small Grant Programme is to utilise the contingency funding that remains from extending the majority of existing Youth and Play Fund contracts to improve outcomes for children and young people. It is envisaged that this be done through the delivery of play and youth services / activities from the Voluntary and Community Sector in Manchester.

Where funding has been previously ringfenced for Holiday Play Schemes this will remain along with a ringfenced allocation for youth provision in Wards with the greatest need.

The funding will be used to support the delivery of the Valuing Young People Strategy. The strategy outlines the Council’s ambition to provide opportunities for children and young people to meet with their friends, to participate in leisure, sporting and cultural activities and to develop the skills and attitudes that will help them prepare for their future.

For more information and to apply see the documents attached.

Deadline: Tuesday 26 May 2015, 12pm