
What does it mean to be a ‘child of the world’ in the UK in 2021 and what does it mean to be a citizen of Manchester? In their own words and feelings, a group of children and young people aged seven…
The Tackling Child Exploitation Support Programme, which is funded by the DfE, have launched a six-month programme of learning events. These are aimed at strategic leaders, senior managers and…
In the latest GM Poverty Action newsletter there is an article from Soundpound encouraging you to join in their campaign and spread the word about the benefits of Credit Unions. There’s information…
A new Integration in Action ‘quick read’ shows how linking practical housing help to patients being discharged from Manchester hospitals improves the safety and health of older and disabled residents…
‘Living Well with Sight Loss’ is a four week course ran by Joshua who is an enablement officer at Henshaws. The course helps participants to understand what services are available to them both…
“Today, we worked with someone to access their GP by helping them with their GP’s online appointment booking system. This was causing them anxiety and we see part of our role at Manchester Mind as…
“Ageism tries to divide generations - but the fight against climate change is uniting them.” – Elaine Unegbu, chair of the Greater Manchester Older People’s Network Today is the ‘International Day of…
Independent Choices Greater Manchester are helping to break down barriers by changing their helpline to a freephone telephone number to increase accessibility. Although they are still keeping their…
‘I love learning about how nature can help with climate change, especially living gardens to help insulate buildings and how trees can help reduce carbon’ – ‘Make a Difference’ course participant…
“If we all do one thing, we can change everything” Sunday 10 October is World Mental Health Day (WMHD). After the events of the last few years our mental health remains more important than ever.…
Information for the bulletin is compiled from a number of sources including Grantfinder, and direct from funders themselves. It showcases just a few of the hundreds of funding opportunities available…
The Widows Empowerment Trust befriending service continues to break barriers. One of the beneficiaries, Christine, has been isolated for seven years since becoming a widow. She stopped socialising…