The Smiles Fund by Walkers and Comic Relief is inviting proposals which use participation in the arts and comedy to challenge stigma and provide community-based support for people who are…
The CHEM (COVID Health Equity Manchester) group was established in July 2020 in response to the disproportionate adverse effects COVID-19 has had on some of Manchester’s communities. The group aims…
Save Hulme Hippodrome are looking for creative minds to contribute to a multi-media exhibition, hosted by Green Island Festival at Hulme Garden Centre on 4 September.
Save Hulme Hippodrome are…
The Hobin’s Community Fund provides grants to people to help them make a sustainable positive impact across north Manchester. Anyone can apply, not just official groups and organisations. As long as…
Power to Change, working alongside key partners, is supporting community businesses that have been affected by the Covid-19 crisis. ReBoost aims to support community businesses to raise community…
Funding is available for interventions which focus on preventing violence against women and girls in public spaces at night, including in the night-time economy.
The Safety of Women at Night Fund…
Peer Networks is a government initiative from BEIS delivered through local Growth Hubs to help you tackle the challenges your organisation may be facing beyond the Coronavirus Pandemic.
The programme…
Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) is seeking expressions of interest from Greater Manchester public and third sector organisations to receive a commissioned training package of resources…
Safety4Sisters works to support migrant women across the North West who have experienced gender-based violence and who have no recourse to public funds or state benefits.
Safety4Sisters are a…
Ambition for Ageing are delivering a second round of their online practice based-workshops, in September, for anyone working to make neighbourhoods more age-friendly across Greater Manchester.
Jobnet is a free 7 week programme equipping unemployed professionals with the skills, clarity and confidence to launch or re-launch their careers. The next group starts on 24 August 2021.
How are you today? No really, how are you?
Have you:
Had enough sleep
Eaten healthily
Drank enough water
Done some exercise
Taken a break
Spent some time in nature