
With support from Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), the FSI is delivering a heavily subsidised training event in Manchester on the 8 February offering small and local charities…

In July 2018, Manchester will host one of its most spectacular public art events ever…
Wild in Art and Manchester City Council are bringing all of Manchester’s communities together to create Bee in…

Andy Burnham and Cllr Shori are appealing to organisations who work with young people to apply so their young people can be part of the Youth Combined Authority – the first of its kind in the country…

This research project working with male survivors of honour-based violence and/or forced marriages is in collaboration with the Derbyshire Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse Service (DDVSAS) and…

Growing evidence suggests that inflammation in the brain could play an important role in memory loss and dementia. Animal research also suggests that pre-existing drugs developed to reduce…

This is an important message from Naresh Kanumilli, Clinical Lead for Diabetes at the Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire Strategic Clinical Network requesting input from the VCSE groups on the…

This is a collection of exciting new work that celebrates a return by the amazing Manchester based artist Ekua Bayunu.
The exhbition runs from 15 January 2018 – 22 February 2018 at the Chuck Gallery…

Information for the bulletin is compiled from a number of sources including Grantfinder, GMCVO (Greater Manchester Council for Voluntary Organisations) and direct from funders themselves. It…

Why? Increase skills, knowledge and confidence and meet others. The Manchester Advice Volunteer Project will provide training for roles in advice activities. You do not need any prior experience!…

Want to increase your skills, confidence and knowledge, gain work experience and meet new people?
The Manchester Volunteer Advice Project need Administrators, Receptionists, Interpreters, Advisors,…

The Big Lottery is changing the application process for Reaching Communities, to make it easier for groups and communities to apply for National Lottery funding.
In order to do this, there will be a…

Groups are invited to apply small grants of £250 and £500 to host events to recruit Cancer Champions in February 2018, or extend a planned meeting/event, that recruits new Greater Manchester Cancer…