
Santander teams up with Crowdfunder to launch new £200,000 fund to support social enterprises and community projects across the UK. Changemaker is a fund to help social enterprises, small charities…
The Sage Foundation fund is designed to support organisations that are looking to generate further income, create new initiatives or enhance existing and proven activity. Grants of between $5,000 - $…
North, Central and South Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and Manchester City Council are committed to delivering a radical upgrade in prevention and public health, as outlined in the…
Young Manchester has released the following update: ‘On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I am pleased to inform you that we have appointed Michelle Farrell-Bell to the position of Chief Executive of…
Young people today are suffering the worst economic prospects for several generations. Though mentoring is understood to have an impact on increasing opportunities for young people, the current offer…
Manchester City Council have released their Domestic Violence and Abuse Strategy 2016–20. Tackling domestic violence and abuse has been a key priority for Manchester for many years and as a city…
Manchester City Council finalised their Council budget in early March after more than eight months of listening to the views of residents who took part in their biggest ever budget consultation. To…
Contact has a long-standing commitment to diversity in its programming, producing, staffing and community engagement. Contact actively seeks applications from the widest range of applicants. Future…
Manchester has ambitious and exciting plans to build a Local Care Organisation (LCO): Michael McCourt has now taken up post as Interim Chief Executive…
Manchester Safeguarding Children’s Board (MSCB) wants to know your views on how children and young people can keep safe in Manchester: What does being safe mean to you? What makes young people feel…
Gaddum administers the Mynshull’s Educational Foundation which provides grants to children and young adults up to the age of 25 from disadvantaged backgrounds to purchase books, equipment and…
The Local Community Projects Fund helps organisations based in local communities to deliver projects or provide equipment to people in need at the heart of local communities. The Greggs Foundation…