
Ancoats Dispensary Trust are pleased to announce that they have been awarded £170,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) under the Heritage and Enterprise Scheme and are now able to begin…
The Edge in Chorlton starts a new term in September, with courses to help anyone and everyone build self-confidence and emotional well-being, as well as learn new skills and have fun. The courses are…
Macmillan provides grants for groups and individuals who support people affected by cancer or campaign to improve cancer care. What sort of things can I apply for a Supporting You to Help Others…
The BBC Children in Need Main Grants programme is open to charities and not-for-profit organisations applying for grants over £10,000 per year for up to three years. BBC Children in Need give grants…
Nesta have set up the Policy and Research Bright Ideas Research Fund to provide small grants to develop interesting research projects and policy proposals in fields that relate to innovation. Nesta…
Street League have secured some funding to run an FA Level 1 football coaching course for 16-25 year olds who are actively seeking employment, training or education opportunities. If you know of…
The Peter Cruddas Foundation gives priority to programmes calculated to help disadvantaged and disengaged young people in England and Wales towards pathways into education, training and employment…
The GC Gibson Charitable Trust invite submissions from small charities for innovative UK based education and activity programmes for disadvantaged young people. The Trust have scope to award about 10…
Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and Manchester City Council have released the following statement: “Manchester City Council and Greater Manchester Police understand the strength of feeling on issues…
Greater Manchester Talent Match is a Big Lottery-funded programme, led by Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisation (GMCVO), which brings together the private, public and voluntary sectors…
Manchester City Council is working together with Greater Manchester Energy Advice to assist households improve the energy efficiency of their homes towards getting a ‘Little Bill’. Little Bill…
NOISE Festival 2014 celebrates the creative stars of tomorrow handpicked by the Festival’s Curators, a panel of the biggest and most inspirational names across music, design, fashion, art, comedy and…