
Partners in Greater Manchester are working together to develop and agree a shared Greater Manchester Alcohol Strategy. Developing a common strategy provides a real opportunity to develop a ‘single…
Organisations involved in the provision of money advice and financial literacy projects are invited to apply for funding from the United Utilities Trust Fund. Revenue Project Funding Funding is…
The Better Care Fund by the government was announced in June 2013. It is a funding mechamism, covering the period 2014/15 and 2015/16 intended to incentivise integration of health and social services…
Talk English is a new project which aims to help people with little or no English learn English and get more involved in the wider community. They are looking for enthusiastic, committed volunteers…
Need support to help you and your organisation grow your own healthy, fresh and sustainable food? Thinking of starting a community food growing project but don't know where to start? The 'Growing…
Charityworks is a 12 month graduate scheme designed to find and grow the future leaders of non-profit organisations. The Charityworks Graduate Scheme is a professional development programme run by a…
This, the third meeting of the Recovery Network focused on developing peer support networks and services. 40 people attended including: people who use mental health services; informal carers/family…
Manchester’s theme this year is Women as Peacemakers, coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War. It acknowledges the role that women have played and continue to play…
The Home Office was awarded €300,000 as part of the EU Progress fund to tackle and raise awareness of FGM within affected communities. As part of this project, they have announced that £100,000 has…
The work of the Age-friendly Manchester team (formerly Valuing Older People) continues to enjoy a very high national and international profile. Other cities look to Manchester on a regular basis in…
This is your annual opportunity to recognise local role models, entrepreneurs and community organisations is here. If you know an individual or organisation that represents true diversity, then…
Funding is available to support projects and activities operating in east and south-east Manchester. Applications are encouraged from all of Eastlands Homes' areas - Openshaw, Beswick, Clayton, Miles…