This course will give you an overview of how to build a simple finance strategy. We’ll (NCVO) introduce tools to help you build the financial resilience of your charity.
A finance strategy is vital for your organisation’s stability. This course will give you an overview of how to develop one.
You'll learn how to:
- determine your current financial position
- calculate the cost of your plans
- assess the impact on reserves.
We’ll introduce the principles of financial resilience and share some financial planning tools to help.
This training will give you an overview of:
- charity business models and the practice of full cost recovery
- using baseline forecasts to determine your current financial position
- using strategic forecasts to determine the cost of your intended activities
- using forecasting, scenarios, reserves and indicators to navigate financial uncertainty
- financial strategies ‒ what they look like and how they can help build financial resilience.
From £65 for NCVO members. See website for other costs
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