NCVO: Charity finance strategy
This course will give you an overview of how to build a simple finance strategy. We’ll (NCVO) introduce tools to help you build the financial resilience of your charity.
This course will give you an overview of how to build a simple finance strategy. We’ll (NCVO) introduce tools to help you build the financial resilience of your charity.
Are you a trustee of a small charity looking for an introd
Join Beeston-Clarke Accountants on 5th March when guest speaker Tracey Ward from Miss S Accounting will lead a session on 'Generating income without relying on grants'
Join Beeston-Clarke Accountants on the 5th February when guest speaker Elliott Harris from Strategy & Governance will lead a session on 'Why risk management matters'
This course will help people with little or no financial background to feel confident in managing day-to-day charity finance.
This online webinar is a great opportunity for trustees and VCSE non-profit finance leads to think the unthinkable and take preventative action.
The session will help charities to increase their knowledge and awareness of financial management and will provide tools that can help spot and avoid financial difficulties.