Consultation on draft proposals for OPCC Domestic Violence and Abuse Projects

Manchester City Council has been asked by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) to consult with partners on two funding proposals in relation to domestic violence and abuse core and enhanced support and provide a coordinated response by Friday 28 August.

These are draft proposals and Manchester City Council want to know your views before any decisions are made. Please say what you think and say if you have any different suggestions and if there is anything you feel is missing. The deadline for submissions is Friday 21 August 2015, 4pm.

No decisions will be made until all feedback has been presented to the Police and Crime Commissioner for consideration. The intention is to present the final proposals at the Victim Services Programme Board meeting on 23 September and following the meeting, recommendations will be presented to the Police and Crime Commissioner, which will inform his decision making.

The draft proposals can be found attached.

If you have any further enquiries concerning the consultation, contact Kristian Dodsworth on 0161 234 1532 or email: [email protected].