Do you work with adults who face severe barriers to employment? If so this may be of interest.
GMCVO has sent out a final call to organisations that would like to sign up to the Manchester Growth Company bid for lot C2 Working Well Expansion. Please note the deadline is Monday 24 August 2015, 5pm.
Following their policy of preferring local institutions, GMCVO has been working with the GM Futures partnership and is backing the Manchester Growth Company, which will lead a partnership of local organisations from the public, private and voluntary sectors. One call for EOIs has already been made and a number of organisations were referred which had expressed in interest in Building Better Opportunities.
If you work with adults who face severe barriers to employment, either personal or circumstantial, GMCVO want to encourage you to consider delivering under this lot.
There will be heavy competition for this lot, the timescale is short and organisations are likely to face a barrage of invitations to join supply chains. Because these are supply chains rather than partnerships, organisations are free to sign up to more than one if they wish.
For further information and to complete the expression of interest from click here