The Boshier-Hinton Foundation exists to improve quality of life for people with disabilities or learning difficulties, and their families, by the awarding of grants.
The Boshier-Hinton Foundation exists to improve quality of life for people with disabilities or learning difficulties, and their families, in any part of the country, by making donations to charitable institutions providing facilities and advocacy for children and adults with special educational or other needs: or by making donations to other registered Charities: or by making donations to local community charities or other agencies in any part of the country whose objects are no wider than the charity's own, or to any charity for particular purposes which fall within the Foundation's objects.
The Founding Trustees are experienced in working and caring for children and adults with special needs and their families. It is also their experience that funding for projects to promote the welfare of individuals and groups of individuals continues to be difficult to obtain as grants have become more restricted and limited in recent years. The purpose of this Charity is to identify areas of need and make appropriate grants, where possible.
Grants are usually up to £5,000 but can occasionally be larger than this. With grants only provided to Registered Charities.
For further information and to apply, visit:, or contact 01245 231 032 or email: [email protected]