Manchester City Council recognises the important role Work Clubs play in providing flexible and informal employment support to workless Manchester residents.
In recognition of the valuable role Work Clubs play in delivering employment support services, Manchester City Council has made available grant funding for Manchester Work Clubs to apply for.
The aim of Manchester Work Club Grant Funding is to contribute to Manchester City Council’s priority of increasing the number of Manchester residents who are working. More specifically it will:
• Support Manchester Work Clubs to capacity build their resources with the aim of becoming financially more sustainable.
• Provide an opportunity for established Work Clubs in Manchester to undertake initiatives, short projects or increase capacity/resources to improve outcomes for their clients. Specifically, this funding is to undertake activities that will improve the quality of services provided to Work Club clients.
To be eligible to apply, organisations must be:
• Not-for-profit: voluntary and community organisations, social enterprises, co-operatives and mutual societies, Community Interest Companies, charities i.e. non-governmental organisations which are value driven and which principally invest their surpluses to further social, environmental or cultural objectives.
• Based in the City of Manchester and currently delivering Work Club activity.
The value of this Manchester Work Club Grant Funding scheme for Manchester Work Clubs is £60,000 in total.
Manchester Work Clubs can apply for between £2,000 (minimum) and £5,000 (maximum).
Funding cannot be used to pay for existing staff or premises costs. However, if to deliver your project it requires additional staff, this would be eligible.
In addition to this, if funding for existing staff or premises costs is due to come to an end during the project duration you may apply for funding to cover these during this interim period. Manchester City Council will want to see supporting evidence that confirms this. Manchester City Council will also require evidence that you are applying for additional funding to cover these staff costs.
Completed application forms should be sent to:
Michael D’Ambra, at: M.D'[email protected], or by post to: Growth and Neighbourhoods Directorate, Manchester City Council , Level 3, Library Walk, Town Hall Extension, Manchester, M60 2LA
Applications will be considered by a panel of three, Cormac Downey (Work & Skills Specialist), Elayne Redford (Work & Skills Officer ) and one other MCC officer. Applicants will be informed whether they have been successful by 23 December 2016.
For further information or support with your application, refer to the contacts page in the prospectus or contact Elayne Redford, on 0161 234 4105, or email: [email protected]
Deadline: Monday 19 December 2016, 10:00