The Manchester Safeguarding Boards have developed their strategic priorities for 2017/18, with invaluable input from children, young people and adults with care and support needs.
By having a joint business plan the Boards can provide a joined up response to and ensure they fulfil their overarching strategic priority: To be assured that safeguarding is effective across Manchester and achieve thematic priorities for 2017/18 that:
• mental health, learning disability and substance abuse are key considerations across all of priorities;
• they support and challenge their partners against each priority; and
• strong and effective governance and accountability are fundamental to assurance
The priorities for 2017/18 are:
• Engagement and Involvement: Listening and learning; hearing the voice of children and adults; Making Safeguarding Personal
• Complex safeguarding: Domestic Violence and Abuse, FGM, Sexual Exploitation, Radicalisation, Missing, Organised Crime, Modern Slavery, so-called Honour Based Violence
• Transitions: Moving from childhood to adulthood in a safe and positive way
• Neglect:
- Ensuring the basic needs of every child are met
- Adults at risk of self-neglect or wilful neglect or neglect by omission are safeguarded and supported.
For more information, and to view their business plan, visit: