Assertive Communication

Macc, Ground Floor Meeting Room, Swan Buildings, 20 Swan Street, Manchester, M4 5JW

This 1-day course is for anyone who would like to express themselves clearly and confidently with colleagues and customers, and to interact in a way that values themselves and others equally.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course participants will:

  • understand the difference between aggressive, passive, manipulative and assertive communication.
  • be aware of the verbal and non-verbal skills needed to communicate assertively.
  • have begun to develop a range of assertiveness skills such as saying 'no', voicing their opinion, handling criticism, giving and receiving compliments.
  • have practised using assertiveness skills in a safe and supportive environment.

Course Content

  • The importance of facial expression, eyes, stance, voice and the content of our speech when being assertive.
  • What stops us being assertive.
  • The importance of transparency / honesty re our feelings when being assertive - the importance of self-disclosure.
  • How to prepare a core statement when being assertive.
  • Practice and feedback in pairs.

If you would like to run this course in-house for a group of staff, please get in touch on 07733 268088.  The course costs £650 to run for up to a maximum of 12 people. 

£95.00 per person
The Training House
Further details / booking

Booking form is attached.

Further information contact: Melanie Ibbitson
Email: [email protected]