Standguide Greater Manchester Social Value offer

Standguide GroupAs part of Standguide’s Greater Manchester Social Value offer and commitment they are offering, free of charge, the following services to community and voluntary organisations:

  • The use of their Manchester premises for you to recruit learners/advertise your service/engage with their learners/provide a talk about your organisation
  • The opportunity to advertise your services on their Online Resource Centre (accessed by thousands of learners each year)
  • The uptake of free e-learning modules for your staff e.g. Supporting Mental Health, Supporting Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Solution-Focused Coaching Strategies, Conflict Resolution and Personal Safety, Safeguarding, Prevent/Anti-Radicalisation, Equality and Diversity or Management and Team Leadership Skills
  • Any face to face / group training needs they can help with

For more information, visit:, or contact 0161 881 4826 (option 4), or email: /