Equal Power

The Fawcett SocietyEqual Power is a ground-breaking campaign to transform women’s representation at every level of politics.

It’s time for Equal Power: equal representation for women in all our diversity. Women like you are needed to take part.

Equal Power will equip you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to stand for election, or support you to become a leader and campaigner in your local community.

220 women MPs were elected in the 2019 election, putting women's representation at 34%, up from 32%. This small increase demonstrates that progress towards equal representation is still too slow. A coalition of women's and civil society organisations has come together to fight for equal representation at every level of politics and public life. 

Over the next three years The Fawcett Society are going to be running an inspiring programme of training for women on how to successfully stand as an MP or local councillor, which includes peer support circles and mentoring opportunities to help build women’s confidence.

The Fawcett Society will be running training for women who want to get more involved in grassroots activism in their local area or to put themselves forward for positions such as being a school governor or magistrate. 

Equal Power will also strengthen existing networks for women already in politics. The Fawcett Society will be inviting women to campaign with them and help to tear down the barriers that keep women out of politics and public life.
This three-year campaign, run by a coalition of women's and civil society organisations, is funded by Comic Relief and will run in Greater Manchester, London and Birmingham and the West Midlands. The Fawcett Society will track the journeys of aspiring leaders to office and the barriers and discrimination they still face.

To join the movement for equal power and for more information click here