BBC Children in Need We Move Fund: Youth Social Action

The £1m We Move Fund: Youth Social Action aims to empower Black children and young people through Youth Social Action. Youth social action is defined as when children and young people fundinguse their voice to tackle subjects that matter to them.

BBC Children in Need wants to place children and young people at the heart of what they do. BBC Children in Need want to create opportunities to support and nurture children and young people’s voices, ideas and leadership in the UK. BBC Children in Need also know that children and young people experienced a reduction in their chances to participate during the pandemic.

BBC Children in Need know that Black children and young people face many barriers in British society. Racial inequality, racism and discrimination prevent Black children and young people from accessing many opportunities including:

  • Accessing similar opportunities and services, compared to their peers
  • Engaging in social, cultural, education and economic activity

This impacts a child or young person’s emotional wellbeing, mental health and ability to thrive and be the best they can be.

The We Move Fund: Youth Social Action aims to:

  • Reach Black children and young people with opportunities to have their voices heard. It will empower them to create change about issues that matter to them
  • Achieve positive outcomes for Black children and young people through Youth Social Action
  • Learn about what Youth Social Action means to Black children and young people. We will share this learning with the sector

Youth social action is about the activities that young people do to make a positive difference to their lives and their environment. Youth social action is when children and young people use their voice and activity to tackle subjects that matter to them. Through social action, children and young people develop solutions to issues they and their local communities face.

Youth social action comes in many forms. There are so many ways that young people ‘do’ youth social action, across a range of contexts, formal or informal activities.

This fund focusses on providing Black children and young people with the opportunity to engage in youth social action. By Black BBC Children in Need means: Black African, Caribbean, Afro-Latinx descent, or Black with mixed heritage.

To be part of the We Move Fund: Youth Social Action at least 75% or more of the children and young people you are working with on this project should self-identify as Black.

BBC Children in Need particularly encourage you to apply if your organisation is Black-led.

By ‘Black-led’, BBC Children in Need mean that the most senior leader (CEO or Chair of Trustee Board) self-identifies as Black; and 50% or more of the Board of Trustees/ Management Committee, the senior staff self-identify as Black.

How much can I apply for?
Up to £15,000 for unregistered organisations and up to £50,000 for registered bodies.

  • If you are not registered with an appropriate regulatory body, you can apply for up to £10,000 per year, or £15,000 over the 18 months. An appropriate body includes the Charity Commission for England and Wales, Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and the Scottish Charity Register. If you are a Company limited by Guarantee or a Community Interest Company, you must have registered with Companies House.
  • If you are registered you can apply for up to £50,000 over the 18 months

Who can apply?

  • Charitable incorporated organisations and Scottish charitable incorporated organisations
  • Community interest companies (CIC) limited by guarantee
  • Companies limited by guarantee with a clause in their governing document preventing distribution of profit (including social enterprises)
  • Housing associations
  • Industrial and provident community benefit societies
  • Registered charities
  • Religious institutions
  • Special schools – These are provisions for children with learning difficulties or disabilities which cannot be met within a mainstream setting
  • Unregistered organisations

To apply you will need to register your interest in the fund, you will have until 20 June to complete your application.

Apply here