Board shadowing webinar: what it is, how it benefits charities and getting involved

Are you keen to support people from diverse backgrounds to take up Board positions? Do you want to bring lived experience expertise around the table? Do you want to make your Board more boardaccessible and inclusive to young people or racialised minorities?

Or, are you someone who is interested in becoming a trustee but not secured your first role yet? Or curious what this opportunity provides, but are not sure if others are looking for someone like you?

The Smallwood Trust, who through its grant making supports women to become financially resilient, have supported three women with lived experience to shadow a Board member, to see and experience a Board in action. This practical session will showcase how simple and easy this approach is to adopt and the benefits of doing so, as well as how to support those individuals who can see how such an approach might benefit them.

This event was supported by Prospectus and Young Trustee Movement, who work with a range of governance specialists, lived experience experts and DEI specialists with the shared aim to bring more diversity around the Board table.

Watch the Board shadowing webinar