Celebrate LGBT+ History Month

LGBT+ History Month is an annual celebration of the lives of LGBT+ people of the past. It is marked every February in the UK, with each year’s celebration having its own unique theme. The Proud Trust has produced a free downloadable pack for schools to celebrate LGBT+ History Month, including four engaging lesson plans developed by their expert Training and Education team.

The lesson plans are written with the National Curriculum in mind, with activities which can tie in to History, Relationships and Sex Education, Media Studies and English lessons. You can learn how to deliver the most effective LGBT+ History Month lessons at an online training course on 24 January.

If you are passionate about supporting LGBT+ young people in your school, why not take this as your cue to sign up for the Rainbow Flag Award and commit to making your school a safe, supportive and inclusive space for all students?

Download the free pack here

download free LGBT+ history month resource and eductaion pack written and produced by The Proud Trust