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We Are Manchester – A Celebration of Black Poets and Spoken Word Artists

1 Oct 2020 - 14:36 by michelle.foster

manchester librariesThroughout October online and in libraries across Manchester a new collection of specially commissioned video performances from Black poets and spoken word artists in Manchester to be launched during Black History Month.

The poems will be broadcast on the libraries social media platforms and screened in libraries across Manchester. Artists include Peter Kalu, Shirley May, Mandla Rae and Recce Williams.

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Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2020 - Creative ways of reducing isolation

21 Sep 2020 - 11:35 by helen.walker

Community Arts North West (CAN) supports unemployed artists to take their next steps.

The Covid-19 crisis has been devastating for the arts, particularly for freelance artists. It has been especially hard for artists from under-represented groups. Since CAN’s launch in 1978, they’ve supported marginalised artists to develop successful careers through mentoring, artist-in-residencies and training. This year, CAN launched training (funded by the European Social Fund) under the banner of CAN Do Creatives, and the scheme enters its second phase this week.

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The Manchester Cultural Education Partnership are recruiting for their Youth Board

17 Sep 2020 - 15:25 by michelle.foster

Do you feel passionately about arts and culture in Manchester?
Do you think all young people should be able to experience the arts and culture in your city?
Would you like to make a change and become a creative influencer?

45% of young people in Manchester don’t have access to culture in the city and the Youth Board will help to change this.

Manchester Cultural Partnership are looking for passionate young people to join their youth board.

This opportunity is for you if you want to:

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Manchester International Festival are looking for young writer

17 Sep 2020 - 15:19 by michelle.foster

manchester international festivalManchester is building The Factory, a world-class cultural space in the heart of the city – and Manchester International Festival are looking for a young writer, based in Greater Manchester, to help develop the brand messaging for this extraordinary project.

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Memory cushions – create a lasting memory

17 Aug 2020 - 15:05 by michelle.foster

Have you recently been bereaved? And live in Manchester?

This arts-health project is designed to offer residents of Manchester who have been bereaved an individualised framework of creative support through the making of ‘Memory Cushions’.

Working in small groups online via Zoom, Arts Health practitioner Ruth Flanagan will guide participants to each make their own ‘Memory Cushion’ using textiles, found objects, photos and the printing of words. Each participant will be encouraged to find their own source materials.

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CAN Do Creatives

13 Aug 2020 - 14:10 by michelle.foster

canCAN Do Creatives is offering free training sessions run by Community Arts North West (CAN) for Artists, Producers, Creatives and Community Practitioners in Greater Manchester who want to learn new skills and find work in the creative industries. The training will be run online, and potentially in small groups if social distancing measures allow.

The sessions will cover some of the basics you need to support your creative career including:

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Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2020 – No Going Back

12 Aug 2020 - 11:56 by michelle.foster

spirit story 2020

Are you a Manchester voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisation?

Would you like to share a story of your new everyday activity, as part of the 2020 Spirit of Manchester Story Week in September?

We are looking for 20 VCSE organisations to share their stories during the week of 21-25 September.

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