Arts & culture

Commonplace are nearly there

Commonplace have 7 days to go on their big crowdfunder - raising money to convert the interior of the double decker bus into a beautiful community event space. They still have a little way to go to hit their target and would be grateful for one last push! Commonplace

You can support the campaign by sharing the link on Twitter and Facebook, tagging @commonplaceuk and using #getonboard.

Greater Manchester Festival of Ageing

Did you know that in July 2018 there will be a ‘Festival of Ageing’ across Greater Manchester? This will include lots of activities, fun and a huge celebration of diverse and positive experiences of ageing.

Like all good festivals, there will be lots of music and food and things to do. Your ideas of fun things that can be organised during the festival are sought

Free For Arts Festival 2018

Free For Arts Festival (FFAF) is an idea that has been handed over to different Manchester collectives and welcoming local audience to experience arts for free since 2009. Art Vanguard (AV) has been offered to be the host for FFAF 2018 and would like to transform 3 central Manchester venues into the worlds of Fairytale, Dream, and Fantasy. Art Vanguard are encouraging community groups to take part and collaborate in the festival and they would like to build awareness about the festival.

Greater Manchester Combined Authority Culture and Social Impact Fund

The new Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Culture and Social Impact Fund will provide funding to properly constituted, not for profit, voluntary organisations, who are committed to providing excellent cultural experiences or work that has significant social impact across the ten boroughs in Greater Manchester. Greater Manchester Combined Authority

HOME - Inspire Communities

HOME is Manchester's arts and entertainment venue with theatres, cinemas and art galleries all under one roof. HOME

HOME’s £1 Inspire community group ticket scheme is available to groups who might not have experienced theatre before or who might not normally be able to afford to visit HOME to see work. It is available to groups within the Greater Manchester region.

Transmitting culture and community cohesion - Radio Sheung Lok Spirit Story

'We learn, support and respect each other and send our kindness to the air, finding the hard to reach.'

Friday’s show celebrated the Radio Sheung Lok project itself. Participants discussed their friendships and team work as well as Radio Sheung Lok’s upcoming participation in the Manchester Science Festival and their nomination in the 2017 Community Radio Awards.

Cultural Partnership Agreement grants 2018-22 - call for applications

Not-for-profit cultural organisations can apply for funding of between £10,000 and £40,000 per year, from April 2018 to March 2022, to support the core costs of their organisation. A total of £280,000 per year is available (subject to annual budget setting) over four years from this fund. Manchester City Council

Free sewing and upcycling course for Affinity Sutton/Gorton residents

Want to save money and produce extra income but lacking an idea or skill? Always wanted to learn how to sew but never seemed to have the chance? Living in an Affinity Sutton residence or in Gorton? This is the course for you. Stitched Up

Affinity Sutton and Stitched Up have teamed up to bring you 6-weeks of free workshops teaching essential sewing skills to Affinity Sutton residents and anyone living in and around the Gorton area.