0333 321 3021



Consultation on Adult Voluntary and Community Sector Commissioning

12 Sep 2013 - 15:01 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council is shortly intending to put out to competitive tender the following services:
1. Advocacy Services
2. Carer Support Services
3. Employment Support Services
4. Dementia Support Services

Further information is available here

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Match funding for community projects – get your applications in now for festive activities

12 Sep 2013 - 13:49 by michelle.foster

Community First funding is available in several wards across Manchester. You can apply for £250- £2500. Decisions are made by a local panel. Each panel has set local priorities for their area.

You can find out more about these priorities by contact Manchester Community Central on 0333 321 3021 or by checking the website: www.manchestercommunitycentral.org

How to apply
Identify a project that meets the priorities

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Big Lottery Funding opportunity: Tackling Social Isolation of Older People in Greater Manchester

12 Sep 2013 - 13:47 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester is inviting expressions of interest from community and voluntary sector organisations interested in leading work to tackle the social isolation of older people.

Greater Manchester is a vibrant, diverse and exciting place to live. This in part results from the knowledge, skills, social networks, and economic contribution of our older people.

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Green Open Homes competition

12 Sep 2013 - 13:45 by michelle.foster

Win up to £20,000 funding and support for your event

The new Green Open Homes network supports low carbon open homes events across the country with resources, advice and a new online hub. Green Open Homes want to help more local groups and organisations to show off home energy saving improvements and inspire their neighbours to act.

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PRS for Music and PPL help organisations to get the legal permission they need to play copyright music

12 Sep 2013 - 13:43 by michelle.foster

In January 2012, both PRS for Music and PPL introduced joint licensing for community buildings run by voluntary organisations.

In response to the feedback received, they have commissioned a survey in order to see if the current tariff is representative of the usage of music within community buildings, and therefore ensure that their tariffs are fair and simple for licensees.

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Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Agreement between Manchester Health and Wellbeing Board and the Voluntary and Community Sector

10 Sep 2013 - 12:19 by michelle.foster

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) analyses the health needs of populations to inform and guide commissioning of health, well-being and social care services within local authority areas.

This agreement provides a framework governing the respective roles of the Manchester Health and Wellbeing Board and the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) in helping to produce and further develop the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for Manchester.

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Could you offer an Offender a valuable volunteering opportunity?

6 Sep 2013 - 09:52 by michelle.foster

Back on Track work with some fantastic guys who are on the Probation 'Achieve' project and are currently looking for charitable organisations and voluntary sector agencies who could offer both one day taster session and more substantial 30hour placements. To give these men a positive experience of volunteering and some valuable skills to add to their CV.

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