0333 321 3021



Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments

1 Oct 2013 - 13:24 by michelle.foster

During the reorganisation of the NHS the responsibility for production of the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments (PNAs) transferred to the Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWB) which are hosted by the local authorities.

Manchester HWB and local authority have produced their first draft of the PNA in collaboration with the Greater Manchester Commissioning Support Unit (CSU).
As part of the legislation the draft PNA must be available for local health partners to comment on the contents of the assessment before it is finalised and published.

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About Capacity Building support

The Capacity Building Team provides group development support to build the capacity and sustainability of local voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations which benefit Manchester residents. This is available through bespoke, one-to-one support and our training and we co-ordinate a training calendar of other, relevant training opportunities from across the city.

Information and support is available through our dedicated telephone information service 0333 321 3021 and on this website.

Examples of how we can support you:

The free CRB Checking Service is coming to an end

27 Sep 2013 - 12:08 by michelle.foster

DBS Manchester at the Gaddum Centre are to end the free DBS checking service currently being offered to referred organisations through Volunteer Centre Manchester. To date they have provided over a years’ worth of free DBS checks to qualifying organisations. However, due to funding coming to an end, they can no longer offer the free service.

From October 1, 2013, charges will be as follows:

Volunteer checks £10
Non-Volunteer £15 (plus DBS certificate charges)
ID check £10

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Speak UP Speak OUT Campaign - New Mental Health Initiative for BME Communities

27 Sep 2013 - 12:01 by michelle.foster

The Manchester University Amp programme is a five year research programme focusing on Mental Health in the Black Minority Ethnic communities with a major focus on South Asian Communities

The findings of the programme have stressed the importance of working with strategic groups in bringing together the diverse local and national organisations who are essential in addressing the often complex needs of communities.

Mental Health is often seen as a taboo subject and not openly discussed by individuals, families or communities.

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The Edge Fund

27 Sep 2013 - 11:53 by michelle.foster

Edge Fund supports communities, campaign groups and activists struggling for social, economic and environmental justice, in particular they fund work that:
• Is run by and for people facing discrimination and injustice (due to their class, ability, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexuality, or other factors) who are actively working to challenge these injustices and to create just and healthy communities, and / or

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Neighbourhood Sports Fund

24 Sep 2013 - 16:46 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council’s Neighbourhood Sports Fund replaces the previously existing Sport Commission Fund. Administered by the Sports Development Team, The Neighbourhood Sports Fund demonstrates Manchester’s commitment to build a sporting legacy ahead of and beyond the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

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Lobbying and Transparency Bill

23 Sep 2013 - 15:46 by michelle.foster

There has been a great deal of publicity within the sector lately about the 'Lobbying Bill' and how it could affect the campaigning work of charities. In the run up to the Second Reading of the Bill the, Political and Constitutional Reform Committee of the House of Commons put out a call for evidence. I sent in the following email below.

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