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Have you completed your electoral registration form?

10 Oct 2013 - 08:52 by michelle.foster

All Manchester households will by now have had their annual electoral registration form which they must complete as soon as possible.

Some people don’t realise that they have to register every year. It’s a legal requirement to complete the form and if you are not registered you can’t vote and could affect your credit rating – its quick and simple and if your details haven’t changed you can register by text, phone or online in less than 60 seconds.

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Environmental Strategy Fund

To enable VCS groups to contribute towards the development and delivery of citywide programmes of activity as set out in the city’s climate change action plan, Manchester – A Certain Future (MACF), and the City Council’s MACF Delivery Plan 2010-20.
Total budget (£): 
Maximum award/grant (£): 
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Part of the Picture LGB Drugs and Alcohol Research - Call for participants for discussion group

8 Oct 2013 - 14:35 by michelle.foster

Are you lesbian, gay or bisexual? Do you use drugs and/or alcohol, or have you used them in the past? Have you ever accessed help, advice or support for your drug and/or alcohol use? This could include help, advice or support from a range of either formal or informal sources, such as from substance use services, as well as the internet, friends and family, your doctor, a telephone helpline, self-help books etc.

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North, Central and South Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups and Macc are seeking to appoint an organisation to carry out the evaluation of a Grant Programme to reduce social isolation and loneliness

8 Oct 2013 - 13:46 by michelle.foster

A total of £550,000 has been set aside by South, Central and North Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to provide grants to Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations (VCSOs) to reduce the isolation and loneliness of older people (50+).

The Grant Programme is administered by Macc, the main infrastructure organisation for VCSOs in Manchester. The Grant Programme is governed by a Programme Board made up of representatives from CCGs and other stakeholders.

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Grow Your Tenner Starts 15 October

4 Oct 2013 - 11:50 by michelle.foster

Localgiving.com is giving away £500,000 as Grow Your Tenner returns for another year of match funding.

On 15 October 2013 at precisely 10.00 am, Localgiving.com will double all donations up to £10 that are made to local charities and community groups registered on its website. Any voluntary and community group in England that has signed up to receive online donations on Localgiving.com may participate.

All donations up to £10 will be doubled which means that £10 becomes £20 or £22.50 with Gift Aid. Monthly donations can be doubled up to £10 a month for six months.

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Manchester BME Network Learning Circles

4 Oct 2013 - 11:48 by michelle.foster

Following on from last year’s success, the Manchester BME Network is delighted to invite you to participate in their exciting new Learning Circles.

Learning Circles are all about peer learning; sharing experiences and finding solutions to your problems.

These sessions are free (funded by Awards for All) but places are limited.

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