Manchester Mind - Mental Health Awareness


1 in 4 of us experience a mental health problem every year. There’s a huge range of mental health problems. But living well with or without a mental health problem is accessible to us all.

On this course we aim to help you to increase your understanding of mental health issues and the impact they have on a person’s life. We also aim to increase your knowledge and confidence when supporting people with mental health issues

This course provides an overview:

  • Challenging mental health myths and stereotypes
  • Increased understanding of mental health issues and the impact they have on a person’s life
  • How to support someone who is feeling suicidal
  • Increase knowledge and confidence when supporting people with mental health issues

We run a number of free courses for Manchester residents (see important note below for exclusions) to help build skills and confidence, delivered by our qualified and friendly Manchester Mind trainers.

Important note
Due to funding restrictions we can only accept applications from people living in the city of Manchester, i.e. those with postcodes beginning ‘M’ followed by 1, 2, 3 (Manchester not Salford), 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 (Manchester not Trafford), 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 40 or 90.

Manchester Mind
Further details / booking

Visit Manchester Mind for further information and booking.

External Training Type