0333 321 3021


Volunteers and the Law

Date & Time of Training: 
17 July, 2017 - 10:00 to 16:00
Macc, Swan Buildings, 20 Swan Street, Manchester, M4 5JW

There are a number of different dates for Volunteers and The Law training - please ensure that you are booking onto your preferred date.

Dates: Monday 17 July 2017
Time: 10 am - 4 pm

This is a very popular and necessary course for anyone who involves volunteers in their organisation. It covers:

- volunteers rights
- health & safety
- vetting & criminal records checks
- insurances
- restrictions on volunteering
- contracts or agreements
- volunteering & welfare benefits
- policies needed for successfully involving volunteers

The course aims to ensure that volunteer managers have increased knowledge of the law and how it affects volunteering.

By the end of the day participants will:

- Know the difference between legal rights and best practice
- Have knowledge of correct terminology when dealing with volunteers
- Have an understanding of policies needed to work effectively with volunteers

Book a place on this training HERE.

Before booking online, please read the following information carefully:

Registration: If you have not yet registered with Volunteer Centre Manchester, please take a few minutes to complete this now

Organisations can sign up HERE
Volunteers can sign up HERE

If you do not register, you will not be eligible to attend the training.


This training is FREE for volunteers that are registered with Volunteer Centre Manchester; who are volunteering for an organisation or are actively looking for and applying to volunteering opportunities (in the City of Manchester).

A cost of £10 will be charged to employees of Macc member organisations and £30 to employees of any other third sector non-member and statutory, public or private sector organisation who would like to participate in the training.

There are 15 places available - please book early.

To access your local Volunteer Centre's training programme, please refer to the NCVO Volunteer Centre Finder HERE.

If you are representing an organisation, only ONE booking (per organisation) is permitted - If they become available, additional or spare places will be offered to other people in your organisation.

If the courses are full, and you cannot book a place, please sign up to our ebulletin to receive the latest training updates or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


Volunteer Centre Manchester
FREE for Volunteers registered with Volunteer Centre Manchester, £10.00 for Macc members, £30.00 for non-members
Further details / booking: 

  Book a place on this training HERE.

External Training Type: 
Shared Topic Areas: