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Lady Pedal Food Bank Collection for Emmelines Pantry

19 Nov 2020 - 12:07 by michelle.foster

lady pedal food bank collectionEvery year Lady Pedal do what they can to support local charities that support those in need of a little extra help in our community. For obvious reasons they can't do their usual big group ride this year so instead a small group (split into pairs) of the Lady Pedal team will be running a food bank collection service by bike on 28 November, 10am-12pm.

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Xmas Party Heroes

19 Nov 2020 - 12:00 by michelle.foster

xmas party heroesHas Covid cancelled your staff Christmas party? You can donate the unused cost of you Christmas party to a charity of your choice. Join many other businesses in making a big difference to a lot of people’s lives this Xmas. Donate the unused cost of your Xmas party to a charity of your choice.

To become a hero and be part of something this fantastic, all you need to do is:

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Charity Digital podcast: Covid-19 Fundraising in isolation

19 Nov 2020 - 11:58 by michelle.foster

charity digital podcastWorking from home in lockdown has been a challenge for many charities fundraising planning. Many have adapted their plans to be more digitally driven while others have used unique, new and exciting methods to push their fundraising campaigns. 

In this podcast, the Charity Digital team discuss their experiences of fundraising in isolation so far, going over their own campaigns:

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Greater Manchester HIV Testing Week – HIV: Let’s sort this together

12 Nov 2020 - 15:11 by michelle.foster

gm hiv testing weekThe PaSH Partnership have founded the first Greater Manchester HIV Testing Week, which will take place between Monday 16 and Sunday 22 November 2020.

Greater Manchester, has become a Fast-Track City; a global partnership between cities that have the ambition of ending all new cases of HIV within a generation by reducing transmissions, late HIV diagnoses, and eventually new diagnoses of HIV.

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Medium Grants to get Greater Manchester Walking

12 Nov 2020 - 14:38 by michelle.foster

gm walkingMedium grants up to £3,000 are available for voluntary groups, community groups and social enterprises to get more people in Greater Manchester walking. These grants aim to test different approaches and share the learning generated. Safe physical activity opportunities are being supported during Covid-19 restrictions as it is important for everyone in Greater Manchester’s health and wellbeing.

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